rdel.exe V1.0 ------------- What is rdel? ------------- RDEL is simply a little hack I put together which allows files which are deleted from the command line to be placed in the Win95 'recycled' directory. If you're not yet using Win95 (who isn't!) then you can use this utility to keep a copy of all deleted files (which you can later remove) by making a directory called "recycled" in the root of all your DOS partitions. eg: mkdir c:\recycled RDEL was developed under Win95 (build 950) and coded in straight C in Turbo C++ by Borland. There is a UNIX version available for anyone who uses a proper OS (copies to ~/recycled). Mail me for the source. Usage: rdel ---------------------- eg: rdel test.txt Would delete 'test.txt' from the current directory and place a copy of it in the 'recycled' directory of the current drive. Legal stuff ----------- Copyright --------- RDEL is freeware. Feel free to improve, mutilate, erase this program at will. However, turn it into a trojan and I'll get really annoyed. Disclaimer ---------- Anything that happens as a result of using this software is not my problem. If you type "rdel thesis.tex" and it doesn't do its job, don't come crying to me. Even if it does work properly it's not my problem, OK? Me -- The author (Rik Wade) is a final year computer Science student at the University of Leeds in England. He can be contacted at: csyrjw@scs.leeds.ac.uk wade@lmi-insa-rouen.fr olds@scs.leeds.ac.uk http://www.scs.leeds.ac.uk/olds/ (+44) (0)113 2452188